New Mexico Medicare Supplement Plans

Find a New Mexico Medicare Supplement Plan Today

Medicare supplement plans in New Mexico are available for all Medicare beneficiaries. There are many different options to choose from when you are in Medicare. This leaves a lot of people asking, “Which plan is the best plan for me?”, and the answer to that really varies from one person to the next.
Our mission is to make sure that when you choose a plan, you can walk away happy knowing what it is you have for coverage and how it works. For more information or to go over your specific situation please feel free to contact us at (866) 319-5886 or send us a request here and we will happily reply with any information you would like.
Medicare Supplement Plans New Mexico
Medicare supplements in the state of New Mexico offer the most comprehensive options to cover your Medicare expenses. We will help you find a supplement that will fit your needs and your budget.
When you are new to Medicare you will be in your Open Enrollment Period and will be able to purchase any available Medicare supplement. There will not be any medical questions asked to be approved for a plan.
New Mexico Medicare
First of all you will need Medicare Part A and Part B to get a New Mexico Medicare supplement plan. You should have received a Medicare Health Insurance card like the one to the right. This will have your Medicare ID # and it will also state when your Part A and B Medicare are effective.
Most people will get Part A at $0 because they have already paid in thru their working life. Part A is what covers your hospitalization and has a $1,340 deductible.
Part B of Medicare covers doctor services, outpatient hospital care, and other medical services not covered under Part A. There is a $185 deductible and then you will pay 20% of all other expenses covered under Part B. Part B has a premium of $134 for most people.
Enrolling Into Medicare
There are two different ways people are enrolled into Medicare. If you are already receiving Social Security benefits, you will automatically be enrolled into both Part A and B of Medicare and should get your Medicare card in the mail about 90 days before your 65th birthday.
If you are not receiving Social Security benefits you will need to call Social Security to enroll at 1-800-772-1213, go online at , or go to your local social security office
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Picking a Medicare Supplement Plan in New Mexico
Once enrolled into Medicare, the next step is to pick out a Medicare supplement plan. The first thing everyone looks at is price and that is a great place to start. We are aware that price is important because everyone is on a budget and for that reason we work with all of the top carriers in New Mexico to make sure we can get you with the best price possible.
One thing we try to keep everyone aware of is that sometimes the lowest price NOW, is not always the best option. Sometimes, companies will offer a low starting rate and will raise it much higher than other companies.
Medicare supplement plans in New Mexico are standardized by CMS. This means that a Plan G or Plan N Medicare supplement plan will cover you the exact same way no matter which company you purchase it from. There are Medicare supplement plans from Plan A thru Plan N but the most popular plans are Plan G and Plan N at this time. You can look at the chart below to look at the differences from one plan to the next. If you are looking for more detailed information about medicare supplements, you can watch some videos HERE.