Medicare Supplement Plans Lubbock Texas

Medicare Supplement Plans In Lubbock Texas

Texas Medicare Supplement Plans

No matter how extensive the Medicare health plan is that you secured for you and your family, often there are still gaps that have to be covered. Although Medicare covers quite an extensive range of costs, a supplement plan can help you with some of the remaining health care expenses.


Whether you are looking for the first time for a Medicare supplement plan or are shopping around for a new plan to save some money we are here to help you every step of the way.  Give us a call at 866-319-5886 and we will be happy to help you look at all of your options that will work best for your needs. 

Here is an overview of the most popular Medicare supplement plans in Lubbock Texas, what they cover, and why you should consider investing in them.

Medicare Supplement Plans In Lubbock Texas

There are various available Medicare supplement plans in Lubbock Texas. Many people opt for a plan that automatically comes with Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (medical insurance).

However, with some plans and depending on a few factors, you have to sign up for both Part A and B. In many cases, it also depends on whether you’re getting social security benefits.

Lubbock Texas Medicare Part A

Part A involves hospitalization insurance which has a deductible and pays 80% of the Medicare allowed amount. The deductible is a per period deductible and not an annual one and this plan offers a $0.00 premium for most people. Many people opt for a Medicare plan that covers Part A, seeing as it covers most of your hospitalization bill.

Lubbock Texas Medicare Part B

Part B involves cover for outpatient, durable goods, doctor visits, and also some outpatient drugs. Part B comes with a monthly premium, which is dependent on your income and also has an annual deductible.

Currently, the deductible for Part B is $198. After meeting this for the year, you will usually pay only 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the following services:

  • Outpatient therapy
  • Most doctor services
  • Durable medical equipment (DME)

Plan F

Medicare Supplement Plan F is one of the most comprehensive supplement plans that Medicare has to offer. It covers everything including copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. This means you rarely have to pay anything out of your own pocket.

America’s Health Insurance Professionals have reported that over 50% of Medigap policies were Medicare supplement Plan F policies. This shows that the Medigap plan is extremely popular and one of Medicare’s best sellers when it comes to medical gap cover.

It is important to remember that Medicare supplement plans do not replace your original Medicare plan. It only covers extra costs that you are responsible for in the event that your Medicare plan doesn’t cover those costs. In other words, Plan F will not replace your Medicare Part A or Part B. In fact, you first have to be enrolled in both Part A and Part B to be eligible to enroll in Medicare Supplement Plan F.

 Plan F covers both your outpatient and hospital deductibles (Part A and Part B). It also covers all excess charges of Part B and allows you to choose your own doctor and doesn’t require you to get a referral to see a specialist.

Plan F, while being a very comprehensive plan is no longer available to those who are entering Medicare as of January 1, 2020.  It is great to know what Plan F offers but it is definitely no longer worth the high premiums that are attached to it.  If you are on a Plan F and have not switched to either a Plan N or Plan G Medigap plan, you will want to contact an agent today to see if you are still on the best plan for you. You can always call us for a quick review at 866-319-5886.

Plan G

After Plan F, Medicare Plan G is the second most popular Medicare supplement plan when it comes to the younger generations.

When it comes to coverage, Plan G is very similar to Plan F. In terms of the value it offers to beneficiaries, there are relatively few plans that come close. But, to enjoy these benefits, you have to pay a small annual deductible after which you get access to full coverage for all the gaps in Medicare.

In terms of coverage, Supplement Plan G covers hospital deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. In addition, it covers the 20% copayment that Part B doesn’t cover.

It also helps to pay for inpatient hospital costs, such as nursing, hospice care, and blood transfusions. Some of the outpatient medical services that this plan covers include lab work, medical equipment, x-rays, ambulance costs, doctor visits, diabetes supplies, and surgeries. Plan G offers up to $50,000 in foreign travel emergency coverage.

As with the other Medicare plans, Medicare pays first, and then Supplement Plan G pays all the outstanding costs. This of course only happens once you have paid the annual deductible.

Plan N

This supplemental policy was created for people who would rather pay a small annual deductible and tiny copayments in exchange for a lower premium. In other words, you will have to pay your Part B deductible, any excess charges, and some of the copayments whenever you swing by the doctor or the emergency room.

No matter which insurance company you prefer, all Medicare Supplement Plan N policies are alike. This means you can find and subscribe to a Plan N policy in every state from various reputable insurance companies.


This plan covers your hospital deductible, coinsurance, and copayments. However, you will have to pay your own excess charges.

The coverage for this Medicare supplement plan in Lubbock Texas also includes the following:

  • Doctor visits relating to any injury and illnesses
  • Medical equipment
  • Ambulance services
  • Surgical procedure
  • Lab-work
  • Other imaging tests
  • And many more services

In essence, the most important thing to remember is that if Medicare Part A or B covers it, then your supplemental plan will also cover it. Medicare pays 80% of your medical bill and then sends the remaining fees to your Medigap plan. Depending on the type of Medigap plan that you have, you will either have all remaining costs covered, or you will have to pay a small copayment.

Choosing The Right Medigap Plan In Lubbock Texas

Choosing the right Medigap plan in Lubbock Texas doesn’t have to be a complicated matter. Medicare’s Plan F, G, and N policies offer a suitable solution to people from all walks of life. No matter your medical needs, budget, or number of dependents, Medicare has a gap cover policy that will be able to carry the extra financial loads in times of medical emergencies or in case of a simple doctor’s visit.

In this day and age, taking risks when it comes to your health is something that one simply can’t afford. Luckily, with the Medicare supplemental plans in Lubbock Texas, you won’t need to.

Need more help deciding on a Medigap Plan?

Many times there are personal preferences and circumstances to consider that you just won’t be able to find answers to in just one article. 

We do have a great video guide that can help answer some of your questions for Original Medicare, the best plans available right now and answers about Part C and Part D of Medicare. You can find those videos by clicking here.

For the best advice and a look at your specific options you can give us a call or fill out our form for additional help. 

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